Certain elements of the conversion framework tend to weigh more heavily on the different pages of your website. And within your site, as you near the checkout, the pages have more value, meaning the page ROI, when optimized correctly, will have a more direct impact on your bottom line.
The tendency maybe to optimize the cart and checkout process as a result, and I must be clear, we do not condone that. The cart and checkout are the final pages in the conversion process. A lot of persuasion must happen in advance in order to maximize the number of visitors that actually reach the cart and checkout pages. However, one you do get to optimizing cart and checkout, there are some important key considerations to lower cart abandonment rates and increase buyer momentum:
- Increase page scent through decluttering
- Increase trust, value, and urgency on the page through contributing elements and language
- Mitigate FUDs through a stepped process
In the above video, we discussed the research and findings behind the delicate balance between trust and urgency on the cart page and how following these steps, you can see uplifts of over 10% on your cart page.
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