Chatbots In Customer Service – Statistics and Trends [Infographic]

Picture of Ayat Shukairy

Ayat Shukairy

My name is Ayat Shukairy, and I’m a co-founder and CCO at Invesp. Here’s a little more about me: At the very beginning of my career, I worked on countless high-profile e-commerce projects, helping diverse organizations optimize website copy. I realized, that although the copy was great and was generating more foot traffic, many of the sites performed poorly because of usability and design issues.
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The use of chatbots in the customer service industry is growing. According to estimates, more than 67% of consumers worldwide have used a chatbot for customer support in the past year, and around 85% of all customer interactions will be handled without a human agent by 2020.

40% of consumers do not care whether a chatbot or a real human helps them as long as they are getting the help they need. Chatbots can save up to 30% in customer support costs and can help businesses save on customer service costs by speeding up response times and answering up to 80% of routine questions. Check out our infographic on chatbots in customer service industry for latest statistics and trends.

Chatbot Customer Service – Statistics and Trends

Infographic by Invesp Landing Page Optimization Company

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34% of executives say the time they freed up using chatbots allows them to focus on deep thinking and creating

40% of consumers don’t care whether a chatbot or a person answers their customer service questions

Top benefits of Chatbots according to customers

Benefits %age
24-hour service 64%
Getting an instant response 55%
Getting answers to simple questions 55%
Easy communication 51%
Friendliness and approachability 32%

Top Ways Consumers Are Using Chatbots

How consumers are using Chatbots %age
Getting a quick answer in an emergency 37%
Resolving a complaint or problem 35%
Getting Detailed answers 35%
Finding a human customer service 34%
Making a reservation 33%
Paying a bill 29%
Buying a basic item 27%
Getting ideas for purchases 22%
Others 14%

Acceptance of artificial intelligence chatbots by customer (by Industry)

Industry %age
Online Retail 34%
Healthcare 27%
Telecommunications 25%
Banking 20%
Financial Advice 20%
Insurance 15%
Government 10%
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Ayat Shukairy
My name is Ayat Shukairy, and I’m a co-founder and CCO at Invesp. Here’s a little more about me: At the very beginning of my career, I worked on countless high-profile e-commerce projects, helping diverse organizations optimize website copy. I realized, that although the copy was great and was generating more foot traffic, many of the sites performed poorly because of usability and design issues.
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Picture of Ayat Shukairy

Ayat Shukairy

My name is Ayat Shukairy, and I’m a co-founder and CCO at Invesp. Here’s a little more about me: At the very beginning of my career, I worked on countless high-profile e-commerce projects, helping diverse organizations optimize website copy. I realized, that although the copy was great and was generating more foot traffic, many of the sites performed poorly because of usability and design issues.

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