From UX to Search Engine Rankings, the Big Benefits of Customer Reviews

Picture of Stephen Da Cambra

Stephen Da Cambra

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last week, as part of the “Conversion Optimization Tactics in Action” blog post, we made note of how Simply BBQ used customer reviews and customer-generated content.

First, the site features excerpts from customer testimonials throughout. The excerpts are also compiled in a series of testimonials pages, four in all, with entries from a cross-section of Simply BBQ’s customers, including large multinational corporations, local businesses, municipalities and private individuals.

Simply BBQ then shows some innovation in a feature that allows their customers to “Like This Menu” with a total of “likes” listed beside each menu item.

Finally, Simply BBQ offers the Grill Talk forum section, which lets anyone: customers, employees, or whoever registers; have their say about anything BBQ.

So what does Simply BBQ get for their efforts? Let’s look at three big benefits that any ecommerce or lead generation site can enjoy from customer reviews.

  1. Content – On an internet driven by content, there’s nothing better, and more cost effective, than having someone else create content for you. The added content helps boost the site’s search engine rankings. And did we say for free?
  2. User Experience – New visitors arrive at your site looking for answers, but not always to the questions you think they have. Many are looking for reassurance that they are in the right place, that your business offers the products and services they need and that those products are acceptable to their standards.When that information is not easily available, it increases visitors’ fears, uncertainties and doubts (FUDs) about making a purchase or other conversion on the site. It creates “friction” and generally makes the visitors’ experience on the  site less enjoyable and rewarding.Simply BBQ’s “Like This Menu” function quickly eliminates one big FUD a site visitor is likely to have: “which menu item do I choose”. By pointing out which menu was “voted most popular”, the visitor immediately has at least one relatively reliable criterion on which to make a choice. That makes it easier for them to choose and makes their experience of the site better. It’s a giant FUDs buster.
  3. Brand reputation – This is simple. If you arrived on a site with the following:- four pages of testimonials from real people and business
    – two pages of letters of reference from major charity/not-for-profit organizations and events
    – numerous unedited results from customer surveys
    – menu likes and forum discussionsDo you think all of that information would help you have a clearer more favorable impression of the business, at least compared to a similar business that didn’t have any of that information?

Take advantage of customer reviews. All the advantages.

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Stephen Da Cambra
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Stephen Da Cambra

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